Life in the Slow Lane

Contemplating life, faith, words, and memories

True Confessions — October 22, 2019

True Confessions

Remember the magazine True Confessions? As an adolescent, I sneaked my sister-in-law’s copies of True Confessions to the creek banks. I’m not sure why I thought I had to take them to the creek behind the home where she and my brother lived, but I did.
The words “true confessions” have been playing havoc with my mind over the last couple of weeks. My blog looks neglected and forgotten with fewer posts published. And my presence on social media isn’t what it usually is. There are three reasons. As my readers and followers, you should know I’m not going away.
First, I managed to connect with a nasty cold and cough germ that kept me down for almost two weeks. Second, my laptop caught a virus or two or three. It was “hospitalized” for several days last week. Sadly, I didn’t even miss it. I found joy, peace, and calm in reading, coloring, and music.
And for the third reason, a hazard of my first spinal fusion in 2001 has raised its ugly (and I mean UGLY) head. I’m now seeing yet another doctor to bring this pain under control. We were told there was nothing to control the pain caused by the bone graft. Today patients are fortunate that cadaver bone is available for bone grafting. If we can get this pain controlled, it will be the first time in almost four years I am pain-free. 
For the next few weeks, I plan to focus on healing both my body and my mind. Healing the body is difficult when also dealing with depression. It takes time and a commitment to exercising, eating well, and allowing the self to heal.
One post per week is my plan. These posts will include reviews of recently published memoirs. I’ve also read some good books on writing creative nonfiction essays, and I plan to review them. I hope you’ll enjoy these posts.
Thanks for reading my words today.
Quiet Times — October 14, 2019

Quiet Times

     Silence is more musical than any song.
Christina Rosetti

The last week resulted in quiet times here on the blog and at home. A week of blank days on my calendar awaited me. I had grand plans.

With physical therapy appointments scheduled now every other week, I had no reason to go there. And there were no doctor appointments to keep. 

My plans included establishing an at-home physical therapy schedule as two weeks between appointments is a good bit of downtime. I also hoped to move my “office” supplies and writing tools back to the corner of my workroom. And we had lunch dates planned with two couples. I was excited by these prospects.

What I thought were allergies last weekend turned into a nasty cold by Tuesday morning. From then until now, this monster destroyed my plans. We did get in one lunch date on Monday. I hope that couple doesn’t get my cold germs!

But there is always a silver lining, isn’t there?

Ah, the quiet times of a slow and unburdened week. I’ve sipped tea while reading and jotting down notes. My handy yellow highlighter waits by my chair. Read an entire Elizabeth George Inspector Lynley mystery, plus started a Dinty Moore book on writing the personal essay (good stuff!). In the background, I’ve listened to classical music. 

I’ve stolen naps here and there from bed to recliner with a cozy tuxedo kitty on my lap or by my side. Somehow Maggie has just the magic to help one sleep easy.

I’ve simply allowed myself to be soothed by the need not to be hurried to get here, go there, and turn around to do the same thing tomorrow. Even though my plans were dispelled and I was feeling unhealthy, it was ever so nice.

Be Present — June 24, 2019

Be Present

Last Sunday the cover art on our worship bulletin struck a chord with me. Not so much because of the artwork. It was, as always with me, the words. I’ve pondered these words over and over again. Finally, today I wanted to know more about who chose them. Who created the image?
So I rang up TinEye Reverse Image Search as I was unable to read the artist’s signature. TinEye helped me locate the artist, Kelly Rae Roberts, and her site. The words, I assume, are the artist’s as I find no attribution for them.
This is the work that has kept my mind engaged the last couple of weeks:
Kelly Rae Roberts
Be Present by Kelly Rae Roberts

Celebrating the moment we are living sounds like a comfortable plan for such a busy world. Something for us all to consider. 



Feature image attribution: Anshu A on Unsplash

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