So many divisive incidents constantly bombard our lives and hearts these days. I won’t write out the long list I’m thinking of as I don’t want to bombard you with them. In thinking about a post this week, I wanted to address the kindness we should offer each other and strangers. If I had written that post, it would have been so long no one would read it.

Instead, I have gathered up a few quotes from people who are creatives in writing, art, matters of the mind, and music. I hope you’ll enjoy reading what I found on the subject of kindness.

When you’ve read the quotes, consider taking time to put kindness into action,


quote, Charles Glassman, kindness, struggle
smiles, kindness, og mandino, quote
kindness, quote, Aesop
spreading light (kindness) quote, Edith Wharton, Parade
kindness, love, quote, Barbara de Angelis
three things, kindness, Henry James
Mark Twain, quote, kindness, language


Featured Image Attribution: Inc. Magazine