Life in the Slow Lane

Contemplating life, faith, words, and memories

Taking a Leap of Faith! — September 22, 2014

Taking a Leap of Faith!

Via Flickr | Brian Smithson
Via Flickr | Brian Smithson

Later today I’m taking a flying leap! A leap of faith is more like it.

I’ve made the decision to move from WordPress hosted blog (free) to a self-hosted WordPress blog. What this means is that either I or a host of my choice will be moving my blog from the WordPress server over to their server. I have decided to trust my host to do the move. I can only imagine the mess I would make!

This might also mean at some point over the next few days (depending on the day the make the move), your ability to get access to something here will be impeded. Or it might mean a jumble of things get mixed up for some reason.

So, I ask your patience with no posting this week and whatever the techno-gremlins decide to make happen during the move.

See you soon!

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