Watching raindrops fall silently onto the leaves of trees and flowers. Hard to believe a week ago it was sunny and almost 20° warmer.

Yet this week’s weather–gray, cool, damp–is the norm for May. Last week was a teaser sent by by Mother Nature. Pacific Northwesterners understand summer’s arrival is scheduled after the 4th of July. We know better than to get drawn in too quickly
Rain has been on our wish list for a while now. Each glistening raindrop holds life for someone or something. The earth has been dry and hard. And then again, too much rain can cause distress for others in the form of flooding or landslides. 
The snow depth on Mt. Hood is at 113″ as of today’s report. Although spring runoff supplies rivers and streams, it can be dangerous. The dangers come with early warm days. We’re prone to be fond of slow runoffs.
For me, I’ll sit back and watch the droplets fall and spring off leaves. And I’ll take the sunny days but not too warm too soon as well. 
Mother Nature seems to know best.

Adopt the pace of Nature. Her secret is patience.

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Image attribution: Aaron Burden on Unsplash