Thanks to Joanne Phillips, author of several high quality mysteries, for a lovely critique of my relatively young newsletter. I owe you!

Newsletters – What Makes Them Great

I just received, in my inbox, a newsletter from author Sherrey Meyer. I read the whole thing, then I read it again, then I opened up this window to write a blog post about it. Sherrey’s newsletter is EXACTLY how a newsletter should be. It is, frankly, brilliant.

So, what makes it so brilliant? First of all, it’s helpful. There is a main article that actually contains useful and workable information that will help me as a writer – and not just as a writer, but in all areas of life. Second, it’s interesting. There is a News section, following on from the article, that tells me the latest news from the world of publishing – I actually want to know about this stuff.

Third, it’s funny: there is a helpful section on grammar with a comic postcard that made me smile; and fourth, it made me think – see the writing quote below. Sherrey mentions her own ebook that will be available soon, but not in an overtly salesy way, and she also links to recent blog posts in case there’s anything there I’m interested in. And there is.

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