This is the third in this series, which has an infinite number of parts. Therefore, there is no “Part 1 of a #;” it will simply continue until the well dries up. The first two posts can be found here and here.

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Image via Goodreads

Linda Joy Myers’ book, The Power of Memoir: How to Write Your Healing Story, is among the first books I turned to when I recognized the desire and yes, even the need, to write my story.

When I sat down to read through it, Myers’ writing style mesmerized me. Myers shares not only writing tips and guidelines, but as a psychotherapist, she has helped others through pain and has worked through a great deal of emotional pain herself.

Comfortable and sensitive in her choice of words, Myers made me feel as if I were the only one she was talking to as we worked our way through this how-to guidebook on memoir writing.

Found between the covers of The Power of Memoir Writing are resources going beyond the mere writing of the manuscript. Here are a few examples:


  • A Useful Disclaimer
  • Tips for Making Ethical Decisions About Your Memoir
  • Preparing to Publish Your Memoir
  • Finding a Professional Editor
  • The Opinions of Friends, Peers, and Writer’s Groups
  • Building Your Platform
  • Book Publishing Options

Recently, I read a blog post by Myers, Tips for Your Memoir Writing Journey. The post begins with language that I feel sums up beautifully the message in The Power of Memoir:

Writing a memoir is like finding yourself on a journey: you thought you knew where you were going, but eventually you are lost! We all experience several stages that lead up to your journey: As you pack your suitcase, you think about the thrilling and interesting moments you will encounter. And as you start your journey, you are still excited and moving forward with great energy. Then reality sets in. Life still presents challenges. And it is this way when we write our memoir.

If you are just beginning or have already begun writing your memoir, The Power of Memoir should be on your list of resources to find and add to your writing library.

Perhaps you have a favorite memoir writing resource or resources.

If so, I hope you’ll share them in a comment below.

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Linda Joy Myers’ books are available on Amazon, where you will also find a short author’s biography. Myers is also the founder and president of National Association of Memoir Writers, another incredible resource for the writer working on memoir. Additionally, Myers blogs at Memories and Memoirs.

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